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  • About JNNURM
  • City Development Plan
  • Memorandum of Agreement
  • Quarterly Progress Report
  • BSUP - List of Beneficiaries
  • Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)


  • 1.1 Mission - Need and Aim
    In order to cope with massive problems that have emerged as a result of rapid urbanization, it has become imperative to draw up a coherent urbanization policy/strategy to implement projects in select cities on mission mode. Government of India has launched the JNNURM in the year 2005 to aim to encourage cities to initiate steps towards improve existing infrastructure services in a financially self sustainable manner. Reforms driven, fast track, planned development of identified cities with focus on efficiency in urban infrastructure/services delivery mechanism, community participation and accountability of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)/Parastatals towards citizens
    • 65 cities have been identified (Metros, Million plus population cities, state capitals and important cities)
    • Duration of the Mission - Seven years
    • Budget provision – Rs 50,000 Crs
    • Reform linked project implementation
  • 1.2 Mission – Objectives and Strategies
    • Integrated development of infrastructural services in the cities
    • Effective linkages between asset creation and asset management
    • Ensure adequate investment of funds to fulfill deficiencies in the urban infrastructural services
    • Planned development of Cities including peri-urban areas, out growths, urban corridors, so that urbanization takes place in a dispersed manner
    • Scale up delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with emphasis on universal access to urban poor
    • To take up urban renewal programme, i.e., re-development of inner (old) cities area to reduce congestion
    • Perspective plans (CDP) for next 20-25 years
    • Detailed Project Report to be prepared for identified areas
    • Private sector participation – development , management and financing urban infrastructure
  • 1.3 Reforms under JNNURM - ULB level Mandatory Reforms
    • E-Governance
    • Municipal Accounting
    • Property Tax
    • User Charges
    • Internal Earmarking of funds for services to Urban Poor
    • Provision of Basic Services to Urban Poor
    Optional Reforms
    • Introduction of Property title certificate
    • Revision of building byelaws to streamline the approval process
    • Revision of Building bye-laws to make Rain Water Harvesting mandatory in all buildings to come up in future and for adoption of water conservation measures
    • Earmarking at least 20-25% of developed land in all housing projects for EWS/LIG category with a system of cross-subsidization
    • Simplification of legal and procedural frameworks for conversion of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes.
    • Introduction of computerized process of registration of Land & Property
    • Bye-laws on reuse of recycled water
    • Administrative Reforms
    • Structural Reforms
    • Encouraging Public Private Partnership


Nashik as a JNNURM City


  • As per the mission guidelines and census 2001, Nashik has been selected as mission city under the JNNURM
  • NMC prepared the CDP and approved the same by GoI
  • Post approval of CDP by GoI, NMC has entered into a tri-party Memorandum of Agreement between GoI, GoM and NMC
  • Submitted the DPRs on priority infrastructure projects to GoI
  • Project implementations as well as reform implementation is in progress.
  • DPRs
    Nashik submitted projects worth Rs 1803.69 crores under JNNURM
    • Rs 1133.40 Crores of projects approved under JNNURM
    • Sanctioned projects -Water Supply (Phase1), Under Ground Sewerage (Package I&II), SWM, Storm water Drainage, Roads, Housing for poor ,Godavari river front development
    • Nashik receives grants to the tune of 70% of the project cost from GoI and GoM
  • Sanctioned Projects at a glance
    Sr.No Name of the Project

    Sanctioned Cost

    (Rs. Crores)

    1 Water Supply 50.52
    2 Under Ground Sewerage – Pkg I 148.46
    3 Solid Waste Management 59.99
    4 Storm Water Drainage 310.31
    5 Godavari River front Development 58.05
    6 Basic Services for Urban Poor 334.25
    7 Under Ground Sewerage - Pkg II 171.82
    Total   1133.4

For more details Please visit JNNURM Site


BSUP - List of Beneficiaries

BSUP - List of Beneficiaries

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan
Last Updated
16-06-2015 17:15:55 Tuesday